#6: Coldplay - a rush of blood to the headIn this Album Analysis, Matt covers Coldplay's second album, the alternative philosophical might of A Rush of Blood to the Head
#5: leisure cruise - leisure cruiseMatt is tackling a doozy in this episode! In their debut record, Leisure Cruise takes disco, synths, modern and the old to make a spectacular record!
#2: VICISSITUDE by mapsIn the second edition, Matt plays through Vicissitude, an electronic lush landscape by British artist Maps.
#1: THE SILICONE VEIL by susanne sundforMatt listens in on the stellar synth, orchestra and lyrical musings of one of his favorite artists: Susanne Sundfor.
What is "Album Analysis'? Simply put, Matt plays an album at the top of the month while offering commentary about the album. He's not just picking any albums either, he's picking his favorites of all time!